Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Recent Rebates

Here are two really good recent rebates that I found...

First is the SCJohnson rebate. You can do up to 3 $5 back rebates. This is great, because I buy a lot of these products.


And the second is from Real Simple magazine. Here is the link:


And as always Caregiver Marketplace will give you rebates for all those Huggies diapers you buy...


Monday, November 2, 2009

Harris Teeter Triples

Rumor has it on Hot Coupon World and the Domestic Goddess page on Charlotte Mommies that Harris Teeter will be tripling coupons starting Wednesday for the entire week. They will triple any manufacturer's coupon up to $.99 in face value. The ad is posted at Hot Coupon World in the Harris Teeter forum.